Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Rose Unto God

She ran the race
She fought the fight,
She kept her pace
Found strength in His light.

We gave you this day
A Rose so bright
With faith we pray
You'll hold her tight

Up she did go
To Heavens place,
She's in Gods glow
And painless grace

Then did she bring
Shining and bright,
Before the Holy King
And LORD of Might.

A song of joy
Of life complete
Of Battles won
And mercy sweet

We will remember
And accept her fate
The August surrender
To God on that date.

We think of Rose
And what we know
She filled our hearts
From head to toe.

God's mercy on us all.

1 comment:

sue said...

What a beautiful poem for, what I'm sure, was a beautiful lady...